Home Push Mauve Lloyd


Jan 26 2024


9:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Mauve Lloyd

Experience the timeless music of Pink Floyd like never before. Join us for an unforgettable night of classic hits

Experience the timeless music of Pink Floyd like never before. Join us for an unforgettable night of classic hits as Mauve Lloyd, Connecticut’s iconic Pink Floyd tribute band


About Mauve Lloyd:
Mauve Lloyd, a Connecticut-based Pink Floyd tribute entering its second decade, plays true-to-the-original covers of Pink Floyd’s entire catalog. They got their start on a sunny Saturday in June 2012, when a group of Hartford County friends and musicians from various local bands, brought a guitar and a blanket to a local Connecticut vineyard, drank wine, and quickly found they all shared a deep love and appreciation of Pink Floyd, as they sang along (and/or butchered) Dogs, the magnum opus from the 1977 Animals album. They decided it would be fun to try to cover The Wall at a party with friends. Word got around, and the “party” quickly outgrew its host, and had to be moved to a local bar. The event was a hit, and “Mauve Lloyd” – a cheeky take on “Pink Floyd” – was born. In the ten years since, the band has been paying tribute to Pink Floyd throughout the Northeast in bars, concert halls, and festivals, from Harry Brown’s in Starks, Maine, to Yasgur’s Farm in Bethel, N.Y., the site of the original Woodstock.

$10 tickets for this special event

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Wishing you Happy Holidays!

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