Matthew Mercury
- Nov 05 2022
- Expired!
- 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Matthew Mercury is a story. A story about keeping the light on and having a vision. Matthew Mercury pays homage to the feeling of New York narratives a la Lou Reed, punctuated by Television-like guitar signatures, while making a detour out to the earnest romance of Springsteen’s darkened trestles, all the while genuflecting to the artistry of Brill Building-esque hooks. Born out of a songwriting and production partnership between Matt Dublin and Ezra Oklan, Matthew Mercury aims to celebrate stories threaded into catchy choruses with an overall pop delivery that no healthy person can resist. What can I say about these guys that won’t sound like more swirling arpeggios of sophistry, except play their sound. Loud. You will understand. And don’t get mad if they get stuck in your head and turn your light on too.