Jeff Summa & The Roasters
Playing songs from their critically acclaimed lp “Open Road Ahead” and new originals from their upcoming album along with covers of their influential bands including Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, Pink Floyd, Jerry Garcia Band, The Band, Cream, Deep Purple, Traffic, Phish, Led Zep, Derek and the Dominoes and so much more.
Come on out and rip it up with Jeff Summa and the Roasters!www.jeffsummaandtheroasters.com
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Jeff-Summa-and-the-Roasters-545097088989976/
Instagram – https://instagram.com/jeff_summa_and_the_roasters
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-kGAqUfYJ0pYs5-nYNlwlw
No Door Charge
​Please Note: The Main Pub has implemented a 18% Entertainment Fee on checks open in the Designated Music Area in lieu of a cover or door charge for live entertainment.